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011 885 3136

Bespoke Spray on

Transforming surfaces with precision and style

choose Versus Paint for ultimate experience

Experience the ultimate surface transformation with Versus Paint’s luxurious Spray On Coatings. Our premium collection offers cutting-edge, high-performance solutions for a flawless finish. From metallic to pearlescent effects, our coatings deliver unparalleled depth, luminosity, and style. Durable and long-lasting, they resist fading, chipping, and cracking. Elevate your space with the sleek, sophisticated look of Versus Paint’s Spray On Coatings.

Visit us today! Explore our showroom at Valdisole, 704-706 6th Street, Wynberg, Sandton, 2090, and discover the latest products and innovations.

Eurospray Fine

Versus Euro Spray Fine: a cutting-edge, pure acrylic textured plaster finish, using very fine quartz aggregate, offers durability, flexibility, and visual appeal, with excellent adhesion, breathability, and eco-friendliness, hides substrate imperfections.

Eurospray Coarse

Introducing Versus Euro Spray Coarse, a premium pure acrylic textured plaster finish, using quartz aggregate, offers durability, flexibility, and aesthetic appeal, with excellent adhesion, breathability, and eco-friendliness, concealing substrate imperfections.

Versus Paint

Elevate your space with our premium paints today!

Skip the hassle and let one of our master paint pros give you a flawless application with a 10-year guarantee. Our team of experts are here to offer sound advice, free of charge.

Experience the difference for yourself.

Transform your space today with our high-quality, premium paints and expert services. Elevate your walls to a level of sophistication that will leave a lasting impression. Contact Versus Paint now and experience the difference for yourself. Let’s create a masterpiece together.

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011 885 3136

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Trust Versus Paint to bring sophistication and style to every brush stroke.

Everything we do is done with a sense of purpose and passion. We know what it takes to make a statement, and we do it with flair.

Choose Versus Paint and experience the Lux Life in all its glory.

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